Living People in Sandboxサンドボックスの住人
Installation /
“Sandbox resident” is an installation consisting of a monitor for video viewing and an inorganic wall placed in the exhibition space.
The video shows a woman, and the male voice is heard from inside the wall that locates near the monitor. The viewer will appreciate the video for a while without knowing the relationship between the two different objects. After that, when a woman takes out a mobile phone and calls someone, it connects to a man behind the wall and their conversation starts. Suddenly at the last, the woman turns towards the viewer and asks “What is he doing now?”
The sandbox refers to a closed environment that is virtually constructed for verification in computer terms.
No matter what kind of dangerous situation occurs in the sandbox, it will not affect the outside.
The same thing can be said for media devices as well.
Whatever happens inside the media space, it is harmless to us. This work is attempt to connect a unique relationship between media devices and viewers at the moment that a closed media steps over the safety area.